

By Posted in - Uncategorized on July 22nd, 2011

Friends, God’s grace, peace & joy be multiplied to you all.
I thank God the Father of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth who has given me the breath of live today and for his everlasting love. I have been working under a lot of health complications after the bicycle accident on 19.05.2007 which affected some nerves, cervical spine and the backbone. Then it worsened after two more accidents with a motor bike on 28.02.2010 and 01.05.2010. I have been taking pain relievers just to keep me without pain. It became very difficult for me to seat on a chair or work on computer for more than 30 minutes. But I the midst of all this I have seen the faithfulness and the help of God.
This has cause reports or the postings on the blog on what is happening at AMCC-K not to be sent to you dear ones. My heart was willing but my present physical circumstances made it impossible. I sincerely apologize for failing to give you the updates on time. But thank God for Sr. Ruth.
With the afore mentioned ,I write to officially introduce Sr. Ruth Mwangi to you. She will be the communications officer and will be in-charge of all written communications i.e. responding emails, postings on the blog and even face book among other duties and responsibilities.
Sr. Ruth, knows how to work on the computer, a kindergarten teacher by profession, a Pastor with Emanuel Liberty Power Centre, has a Higher Diploma in Bible and Theology and has been working on our chicken project from 30.12.211 to date.
She was shown how to post things on the blog by Bro. Mark Dawson during their visit with Karen recently. She resides at the Poultry Project staff quarters. I know that she will give reports every week by posting on the blog the events whether past, ongoing or expected. She will also post the chronology of events from May 2010 to date. She will also post pictures of most of the events. God bless you all.
Posted by: Sr. Ruth Mwangi,
Communications Officer,
For:Rev.John Muhika


I am Sr. Ruth, and I will be posting the reports of AMCC every week. I will do all what I can to make sure you read our updates immediately an event takes place or is planned. Thank you and I believe we will continue in Hope and prayer. May the God of grace give us all the grace to use in times of need. Welcome
Posted by: Sister Ruth.

(1) awesome folk have had something to say...

  • markdawson@amcckenya.org -

    July 22, 2011 at 6:25 am

    Yea.It’s ok, if Sr.Ruth will keep us updated.I have been why your updates takes so long.Rev.John ,may God heal you is my prayer for you.

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