By Posted in - Uncategorized on March 18th, 2011







ADDRESS : P.O.BOX 3946-01002



CELLPHONE : 0734/724-835151,


i).   Introduction to Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children’s Centre-KENYA- Page 1.

ii). Background -Page 1-2.

iii).AMCC-K Project Justification  – Page 2

iv). Main Objective page 2.

v).What we do-Specific Objectives Page  2-3

vi).Activities /Methodology Page 3

vii).Monitoring and Evaluation Page 3

viii)Mission Statement  Page 3.

ix)  Vision Statement    Page 3.

x).Our Philosophy      Page 3.

xi).Income Generating Projects Page 4.

xii).Proposed 100,000 day old Chicks Hatchery Project Page 4.

xiii).Hatchery Project Goal –Page 4.

xiv).Hatchery Project Objectives –Page 5.

xv).Budget Analysis      -page 5.

xvi).Production     -Page 5.

xvii).Economic Impact –Page 5.

xviii).Long Term Goal –Page 5.

Xix . Monitoring and Evaluation –Page 6

Xx. Institutional Capacity- Page-6.

xxi).Accounting Capacity-Page 6

xxii).Bank Details  –           Page 6

xxiii).Project Sustainability -Page 6.

xxiv).AMCCBO Members   -Page 6.

Xxv).Direct Beneficiaries —Page  7.

Xxvi).AMCCBO Registration –Page 8

Xxvii).AMCCBO Chick House project pictures 9-10.

Xxviii).AMCCBO Broiler chick project picture- 11.

Xxix).AMCCBO Children pictures in Different Activities –Pages 12-13


Ah-Gah-pay Mercy Children’s Centre Kenya has been working and operating under the auspicious of  Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children C.B.O. a non-profit making at Kimata Village of Gathanji sub-location, in Kiria-ini location, Gatanga Division of Gatanga District in Murang’a County, of Kenya. registered as a C.B.O . by the Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services Reg.No.DSS/TKA/CBO/07/057 It is a project initiated in 7.2.2007 due to the hard stricken socio-economic status of the community as a result of HIV/AIDS pandemic, poverty and unemployment

HIV/AIDS is a deadly pandemic occurring in every District in Kenya.  It is responsible for the death of 1.5 million Kenyans since 1980’s.  These deaths have left behind more than three million orphans.  About 1,000 Kenyans die daily from AIDS.  There is still no straight cure for AIDS; estimates suggest that over 3 million out of 30 million are infected.

Due to poverty and unemployment, the responsibility of providing to the sibling has become a burden to many parents.  As a result of neglect and such harsh conditions many children opt to go to the streets to beg for food to survive at very tender ages.  Some children due to neglect by parents who are sometimes torn apart in broken relationships resulting from poverty and unemployment.

AH-GAH-PAY MERCY CHILDREN’S CBO ,started Ah-Gah-pay Mercy Children’s Centre Kenya which is a project geared towards providing a secure environment for the HIV/AIDS infected and affected orphans, destitute and street children, feeding, clothing, medical care, education, spiritual nourishment, love, a listening ear to their cry and a home away from home.  It majors in care and support program including, classroom/Dining hall, dormitories, kitchen and an office.  The Centre has survived at least from people cheating and conning since its inception but still struggles to raise children in a very difficulty financial state.


HIV/AIDS is not just a serious threat to our social-economic development; it is a real threat to our existence.  It has reduced many families to a status of beggars in Kiria-ini location and the entire Gatanga District whereby in Kiria-ini location alone we have about 300 Orphans and many more destitute and vulnerable children.  There is no family in Kiria-ini location and the entire Gatanga District which is left untouched by the sufferings caused by the HIV/AIDS which is increasing rapidly.  Many children whose parents die of HIV/AIDS lack the basic necessities in life.   Traditional extended family structures are overburdened, most vulnerable being the working age which die and leave their families impoverished.

Achievement of literacy is undermined due to lack of finances.  Many children drop out of school to seek for food.  Poverty and unemployment add salt to injury.  Many families suffer and lack the basic needs and victims of the circumstances are children.  It is in this state of depravity that at the Ah-Gah-pay Mercy Children’s Centre –Kenya was initiated by concerned members of the community in cooperation with Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children C.B.O. in a rural village called Kimata in Kiria-ini  Location of Gatanga division, Gatanga District OF Murang’a County to give hope to these innocent children.

The Centre has migrated from one premise to another due to lack of finances to pay rent.  The needs have been so much but the team behind it has never given up.  Several donors have come up and made up promises which they fulfilled through their acquaintances/middlemen but the finances have ended in the hands of dishonest/unmerciful men who took advantage of introducing them to the Centre.  As a result the situation has remained pathetic.


  • Orphans & At-risk Children have a right to shelter, food, clothing, medical care, education and other basic needs.
  • Orphans & At-risk Children are the future generation of which a big percentage is now orphaned, destitute, vulnerable and at risk because their needs are deprived.
  • The higher level of girls’ education the longer they postpone marriage, child bearing and are more likely to safe guard their health.
  • Provision of education has a direct and positive impact on maternal and child health survival.
  • Universal education not only give children an opportunity for better life but also help reduce community’s rate of infection and death from avoidable health hazards like AIDS.
  • Spiritual, social and emotional guidance help bring up more sober and responsible persons in the society hence reducing the breeding of dangerous rebels who will endanger the peace and development of the community.


To promote education, health and quality life for the orphaned, vulnerable and the destitute children while endeavoring to develop the whole person for positive contribution to the society.

What we do.


  • Providing   Food, Health care, Accommodation, Education & basic rights to HIV/AIDS infected and affected Orphans & Vulnerable children.
  • Empowering HIV/AIDS infected and affected orphans and at risk children by sponsoring them acquire quality education through University/Vocational levels.
  • Transforming the HIV/AIDS affected and infected orphans and at-risk children to become achievers tomorrow’s leaders, pillars of the Nations and Agents of Change in the society.
  • Helping the HIV/AIDS Orphans both infected and affected and at-risk children to identify, develop their talents and utilize them fruitfully to earn a living.
  • Create employment for young professionals in teaching and other relevant fields involved in the day-to-day running of the institution as a means of eradicating poverty.
  • Creating HIV/Aids awareness through, poems, songs and dramas
  • Provide home care support for children living with HIV/Aids
  • Providing micro-finance services to widows & widowers living with HIV/Aids to start small income generating businesses for self sustenance,
  • Advisory, Counseling  and referral services
  • Provide Social, pastoral / spiritual counseling and guidance.
  • Buy 7 Acres of Land and build our own school and Home,
  • Monitor the implementation of the project activities


  • Formal education through provision of school fees and  conducive learning environments.
  • Development of skills and talents through vocational training program
  • Counseling to combat discrimination and social stigma
  • Provision for security and accommodation for the homeless and orphans
  • Provision of primary health care services, food, clothes and spiritual / pastoral nourishment


Project monitoring will be done from day to day to ensure that the projects objectives are in place.

This will be achieved through;

  • Centre visits
  • Centre reports
  • School enrollment, both Primary & Secondary
  • School reports
  • Physical and emotional changes

Evaluation will be done termly to determine project progress and the report made to donors.


Sponsoring HIV/AIDS infected and affected Orphans & Vulnerable Children attain quality education to university/Vocational Levels.


Transforming HIV/AIDS infected & affected orphans, Vulnerable Children, to become achievers and agents of change in Society.


An educated Child is an empowered child.

In conjunction with Kenya Government, Bidco oil refineries, CBO Members, other Friends and the community at Large, Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children’s CBO started an income generating project in Poultry i.e broiler chicken project, so as to become self Sustaining instead of depending on donors and well wishers. They have build a big permanent  one storey building, (see attached pictures) with an intention to rear 2,500 broiler Chicks and to use one as a Hatchery production unit. The broiler chicken unit is going on but not very consistently due to lack of one day old chicks. With the afore going Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children’s CBO Board and members feel it is the right time to start the Hatchery unit both for our Broiler production and sale to other farmers.


In Kenya today, there are only four major Hatcheries and two small ones. The demand for one day old chicks is on the rise for the last three years by almost 70% than the production. The Farmer will order/book one day old layers Chicks to wait for between four and seven Months before delivery and Broilers for between one and three Months before delivery. This is a clear indication that the demand is very high in relation to production. The Poultry Farmers are suffering due to the insufficient production, this goes further and hurts the families employed as casual laborers and also hurts the local and National economy. AMCCBO has a desire to be involved in decreasing the hurt by starting the Hatchery Project .The Hatcheries Project is of Great significance to the CBO as it will support the on going projects within the CBO. The project will help the CBO address the following vital children and Community needs from the sale of the products:

a).Pay school fees for 12 Students in Secondary Schools,

b).Pay house rent for Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children Centre –Kenya,

c).Meet all the basic needs for 27 Pupils in Gathanji Primary Schools,

d).Improve the well being of HIV/aids infected and affected Orphans,

e).Sell one day old chicks both layers and Broilers to the Farmers,

f).Generate income through sale of old day chicks and manure,

g).Deliver Social-economic benefits to the local Communities.


To improve production of eggs and broiler meat, improve rural livelihoods, mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS using viable and sustainable income generating alternatives. To Supplement what the CBO is doing in trying to supplement the needs of the HIV/AIDS infected and affected orphans, such that they will be able to achieve quality livelihood and achieve good education which will help them to become reputable Citizens in the Future.


1. To increase income at the CBO through the sale of one day old layers and Broiler chicks,

2. To diversify the income generating Units in order to broaden the CBO’S resource base.

3. Initiate broiler meat and eggs  production at the Children’s centre,

4. Be able to assist more HIV/AIDS infected and affected orphans ,

5 .Kick start a training centre for Poultry Farmers,

6. Improve on Poultry research in Kenya,

7. Create employment for young Professionals on various fields.


The price is in Kshs. as at December 2010.

1.100,000 Eggs incubator                       Kshs.500,000/=

2. Shipment                                              Kshs 100,000/=

3. Installation                                            Kshs  50,000/=

4. Back up Generator                               Kshs.100,000/=

5.3Phase Power installation                      Kshs.150,000/=

6. Water Pump                                           Kshs100,000/=

7. Water Tanks                                           Kshs160,000/=

8. Drilling cost                                           Kshs 250,000/=

9. Construction & Plumbing                      Kshs.140,000/=

10. Electrical Installation &  Appliances   Kshs 200,000/=

11 .Vaccines & other Medications             Kshs 300,000/=,

12. Fertilized eggs for 6 months Period  Kshs. 1.5M

13. Transport (Pick up Toyota 2.4D)     kshs    1.6M

14. Labor                                                     Kshs 150,000/= per Month,

Total    kshs.5.3M

Plus  10% Contingencies kshs.530,000/=

Grand Total = Kshs.5.83M


Assuming the project is up and running AMCCBO Will be able to produce 25,000 day old chicks weekly and sell @ Kshs.75.Total weekly income Kshs1,875,000/= and per Month Kshs 7,500,000/=.


This Project will create 50 direct Jobs, and 200 indirect going by our African Culture that one Person supports  four more in a family.

Agribusiness will create will create more than 5,000 jobs by introducing Commercial Poultry Farming in Gatanga District , Murang’a County and beyond.

We will be able to produce 1,000 metric tones of Manure which will also improve Farming within the area.


In the long term the CBO through the income generated by this project will:

1. Buy land and build a school from Nursery to Form four to admit 1,000 HIV/AIDS infected and affected Orphans,

2. Build a vocational school,

3. Initiate a Poultry Training Centre,

4. Initiate a Poultry Research Centre

5. Construct a slaughter house, process and export our poultry meat and eggs.

6 .Raise enough finances to assist more HIV/AIDS infected and affected orphans.


Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children’s  CBO will use the following monitoring and evaluation tools based on the Project activities and the expected outcomes:

a).Quarterly Reports,

b).Minutes of executive committee meetings,

c).Receipts and vouchers,

d).Records for inputs/outputs


The CBO is managed by an Executive Committee composed of a Chairperson, a Secretary, Treasurer and two Committee Members. The CBO operation lies on the Strength of it’s 20 very active members. We also Partner with Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd, different Government Ministries, the Provincial Administration, County Council of Thika and other organizations to actualize our Vision. The Executive carries out crucial implementation of the CBO’s Objectives. The members are bound by a constitution which all members adhere to. The members of the Executive Committee is very Qualified   professionally in many disciplines thus providing various skills  in various ways in conjunction with different Government Ministries and departments.


Our accounts are prepared by the CBO’s treasurer and approved by the executive committee .However, the final Mandate of approval lies with the CBO Members who must, in a general meeting, adopt both the accounts and the budget before any other   financial transaction takes place. The CBO’s Financial Statements and Audit Reports are prepared by independent eternal Auditors.


The CBO has a Bank Account with Equity Bank . The account Name is : Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children’s CBO. The account Number is 0340194970790


The Sustainability of the Project Activities is guaranteed by the proceeds from the sale of One Day Old Layers & Broiler chicks and the Manure in order to expand the project. This will go a long way in supplementing our other activities in order to continue supporting HIV/AIDS infected and affected orphans.


1.Rev.John M.Kameru-         Chairman,-               I/D No 5936258,

2,Mrs.Racheal Njeri.M.       -Vice-Chairman,       I/D No 2026763,

3.Miss Nancy W.Nyondu –   Secretary,                  I/D No23427048,

4.Mr.Paul Ndung’u  M –      Vice Secretary,          I/D No12666473,

5.Mr.Esborn M.Mbugua,-    Treasurer,                  I/D No 10849958,

6.Mr.David M.Kamau-          Coordinator,             I/D No 8633884

7.Mrs.Nancy G.Mwangi-        Member,                    I/D No 11674637

8.Mr.Samson M.Kamiru-       Member,                    I/D No  3677772

9.Mrs.Margaret Wambui-      Member,                    I/D No  2015247

10.Mr.Joseph Ngamau-           Member,                    I/D No 27767153

11.Miss Ruth C.K.Mwangi-     Member,                   I/D No 11177000

12.Mr.Daniel Kimaru –            Member,                   I/D No 2011714

13.Miss ANNe Kimemia          -Member,                   I/D No  10848461

14.Rev.David M.Githeru-         Member,                   I/D No  7199268

15.Mr.Ambrose Kiragu-           Member,                    I/D No  1165107

16.Mrs.Monicah Wanjiru –      Member                     I/D No 0740994

17.Rev.James Mwaura K.-        Member,                    I/D No 2012996

18.Mrs.Teresia Wambui –         Member,                    I/D No 5157570

19.Mrs.Hannah Wairimu-         Member,                    I/D No  24458219

20.Mrs.Tabitha Wajiru    –        Member                      I/D No  21332159


1.Beth Njoki Wambui- –          Class 3

2.Mercy Wambui Irungu –     Class 4

3.Apostle Praise K.        –       -Class 4

4.Cyrus Kinyanjui Mercy-     Class 4 –

5.Brian Irungu Wambui-      -Class 4 –

6.Fabian Kung’u                –    Class 4 –

7.Eutychus Nyoike Wambui –Class 5

8.Alex Njenga Njeri               -Class 5

9.Lucy Muthoni Macharia  – Class 5

10.Magaret Wahu Njeri –      Class 5

11.Simon Wanjohi Teresia –  Class 5

12.Keneth Muigai Wanjiku – Class 5

13.Peter Njoroge Mwangi  —  Class 5

14.Ruth Muthoni Nyanjui –     Class 5

15.Gracious Peace K.           –   Class 6

16.Virginia Wangui Mwaura -Class 6

17.Manasses Warui Wanjiku -Class 6

18.John Njorege Wanjiku –      Class 6

19.Jackline Wambui Njoki –   Class 7

20.Jared Mungai Nyanjui –     Class 7

21.Caroline Waithira W. –       Class 7

22.Joseph Kamiri Wanjiru –     Class 7

23.Intercessor Israel K.       –      Class 8

24.Naom Wanjiku Kamau –        Class 8

25.David Njoroge Irungu –          Class 8

26.Charity Wangari  Mungai-     Class 8

27.Anne Njambi Macharia-          Class 8

28.Serah Njoki Wanjiku –              Form 2

29.Evangelist Ah-Gah-Pay –           Form 2

30.Anne Wanjeri Kuria –                Form 2

31.Naom Wanjiru Wanjiku –          Form 2

32.Agnes Njoki Wanjiru –               Form 3

33.Maureen Njeri Wamukore –       Form 3

34.Tabitha Wanbui Karungii –        Form 3

35.Victoria Wambui Mucheru-       Form 3

36.Denis Mwangi Njoki –                 Form 3

37.Simon Irungu Waithira-             Form 3

38.Faith Wangari Kimani –             Form 3

39.Joseph Ndung’u Ruigu –            Form 3


By:Rev.John Kameru Muhika