Glory to God in the Highest!!! God is great and wonderful and his works are always amazing.We give God all the glory whose ways are not our ways and whose thoughts are apart with ours as the sky and the earth are.Blessed be his name who knows everything and who understands all things,knows all things and plans all things for us so that they will go according to his purposes.
Receive greetings from AMCC-K Kids,Board,Staff ,my wife ,my children and entire Family and also from Pastor Daniel Kung’u Chege,our Veterinarian .All kids and staff are fine except one girl,Naom Wanjiru who is in Form 2 (Class 10) in Giachuki Secondary School.The Deputy Principal called me on my Cell phone Yesterday about 10.00am and told me the girl is very sick and after treating her at the School Clinic now they felt she should be taken to Thika Level Five Hospital.I hired a tax and rushed to the School only to find the Girl Crying in Pain.We took her to Thika accompanied by the school Matron and Tr.Nancy.Urinalysis tests were done because she had swoolen and painful legs and arms.No abnormalities were detected.However,she was treated and responding well to drugs.She was advised to take a 7 days bed rest at AMCC.
After waiting for over 10 weeks for ANNILITA POULTRY FARM to deliver one week old chicks to AMCC-K WITHOUT SUCCESS,any brekthrough,on 30/12/2010,we shared with AMCC-K Staff including those who were to start working on the Poultry project on how God is pleased by Faith.And how cursed is the man who puts his trust in Man.I felt a conviction that we should change from Annilita to any other POULTRY COMPANY.We wanted Annilita because they would come for the chicks on Maturity.But God challenged us that our plans could be far from his plans towards chicks project.Then early morning on 31.12.2010.Pasror Daniel,our Veterinarian drove to AMCC-K,FEELING DISCOURAGE BUT CAME WITH THE SAME MESSAGE THAT WE WERE SHARING THE PREVIOUS NIGHT.And wow,it was a confirmation that we we were waiting for.We also told him what we had shared the previous night and together we decided to get another Poultry company and we settle on Muguku poultry farm.Then we start seeking the market ourselves of which we have already started.This is why we decided to start with smaller number but after every 2 weeks we will bring another 600 one day old chicks.We will continue this way by Faith and Trusting God for the Market because He calls things that are not there as if they were there.Right now we do not have a market but we believe that the God in Heaven who created the things we see from the unseen and the things we touch from the untouchable things is already calling our market into being and am assured on the 22/02/2011 we shall sell all the chicks already at the AMCC-K Poultry Yard.At the same time we agreed that those people i.e Miss Ruth Mwangi,M/s Anne Wamukore and Mrs.Violet Wangui should be going for prayers at the Chicken House.Prayer is very important in AMCC-K.After 11 days of prayer on Monday 10/01/2011 at exactly 1800hrs i.e 6.00p.m Kenya time.We drove into the chicken yard with Pastor Daniel Chege our Veterinarian with 460 one day old chicks and at was all joy for every one.
Only three have died so far and the Postmortem revealed they had problems from hatching.Thank God with us and pray for the Market doors to open.
We thank all those who donated towards AMCC-K, Poultry project.God bless you all indeed and enlarge your territories.May he always help you in times of need and make everything you do successful in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.Amen.We love you all and we will continue to pray for you.Bidco Oil Refineries,Bloom Church,Ancient Pathways Church,Grace World Outreach Church,Veru Foundation,Mark,Karen,Nick,Maggie,Vincent,.Bidco Oil Refineries Peer Educators,Tiket of the University of Nairobi,Pastor Daniel Chege the Our Veterinarian,Our Beloved and devoted workers and all who have done anything including Prayer,Visits
1.That Naom Wanjiru will be healed quickly,
2.That all the AMCC-K Children& Staff will continue to enjoy good health,
3.That no other Chick will die,
4.That the God of heaven will open doors for the market on chicks maturity,
5.That God may provide food for AMCC-K,
6.That God may provide the remaining AMCC-K School Fees
7.That God may give Rev.John Muhika & AMCC-K Board wisdom as they lead AMCC-K
God bless you all and have a blessed and protect by the good Shepherd -Jesus Christ of Nazareth 2011 and full of God’s Favor,Grace and Peace.Amen.
God of Heaven & the Father of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, bless you all.
Rev.John Muhika