SHE HAS DONE IT !!!!!!!!.

By Posted in - Uncategorized on March 1st, 2013

Hey there!! Glory be to God in the highest.This is amazing.Kenya Certificate Secondary Examination (K.C.S.E) results are out.Confirmed reports are that our Student from Kiburia Girls Valentine Muthoni Chege has a mean grade of B-.This is despite been sick all through her form 3 and form four and despite been sent home now and then due to lack of school fees until when Nick Decided we should support her in May 2012.We are now sure that she will be admitted to a University.
These are the results:
Name:Chege Valentine Chege,
Mean Grade:B-
1.101 English B
2.102 Kiswahili C+
3.121 Mathematics B
4.232 Phycis C+
5.233 Chemistry B
6.311 History C
7.313 Christian R.E. B-
8.511 Music C-
We will keep you updated concerning the other 8 students.Thanks all who has been supporting AMCC-K.God bless you all.
In his everlasting love,
Rev.John Kameru Muhika,