

By Posted in - Uncategorized on November 18th, 2011

Dear Friends & supporters of AMCC,
We thank God when we remember and make mention of your names before his throne of mercy and grace when pray ,
praying that his mercies may be renewed always and that you may continually obtain sufficient grace to use in times of need.
We thank God for your continued support to Amcc and the staff and Rev.John.The kids,staff and boar of AMCC are fine.
Agnes and Jackline and Hannah are getting well and healing process is taking place.
We send our greetings to you this morning in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who rose from the dead and
is seated on the right hand side of God our heavenly Father.
This week by God grace ,we have been able to send proposals to Different Banks and other Companies within Thika town as follows:
1.Kenya Commercial Bank-Thika Branch
2.Standard Chartered Bank-Thika Branch
3.Imperial Bank-Thika Branch,
4.Barclays Bank-Thika Branch,
5.K-Rep Bank-Thika Branch
6.Consolidated Bank-Thika Branch
7.Equity Bank-Thika Branch
8.Faulu Bank-Thika Branch
9.Family Bank-Thika Branch
10.Post Bank-Thika Branch
11.Co-operative Bank-Thika Branch
12.Eco Bank-Thika Branch
13.Bank of Africa-Thika Branch
14.Fina Bank-Thika Branch
15.Bank of Baroda-Thika Branch
16.Murata Sacco-Thika Branch,
17,Muramati Sacco-Thika Branch.
18.Chania Flour Mills
19.Kenya Vehicle Manufacturers,
20.Safaricom Foundation.
We have great hope that we will find favor with those concerned and respond positively.
We need more prayers from all our friends and supporters of Amcc,Because we need more school fees
because of those who did Kenya Certificate of Primary Education as they enter in Secondary School.
Also we have been buying food on Credit.So let us have faith in God that something new is going to happen before January next year.
Next week we are targeting about 20 more firms in Thika Town and then from there we will target firms in Nairobi including supermarkets.
We were send the proposal with a covering letter.
We are making a humble request to all of you,that you forward our proposal to any organization that you may Think or know.
Who knows which way or who God can use or touch to make AMCC meet it’s desired end.So please pass it on either through
email or you down road and take the hard copy to any firm.
We attach herein a copy of the proposal and the covering letter for your further perusal.
May the Lord Bless you and renew your strength as we continue to serve the victims of fate.
In his Love,
Communications officer.


Reg No. DSS/TKA/CBO/07/057

CELL PHONE: (+254) – 0724 – 835151,0729888388

11.11. 2011,
Branch Manager,
Ban k of Africa,
Dear Sir/Madam,
We hope that this letter finds you well and in good health. As the war against HIV/AIDS continues in Kenya, we at Ah-Gah-PAY Mercy Children’s Centre –Gatanga are violently trying to do all what we can. i.e mending the safety nets by supporting orphans in this centre.
Sir/Madam, we are we are located on the Thika-Gatanga –Ndakaini Rd off Gatanga-Ndakaini Rd at Gitukuya Village,Ndunyu Chege Sub-Location,Ndunyu Chege Location of Kigoro Division in Gatanga District of Murang’a County.
We are hosting 35 kids.8 are in form 3 at St Basil Gathanji Secondary School,1 is in Form Two in the same school, Two girls are in Giachuki Secondary school –District boarding School, one is in Kiburia Girls –Provincial Boarding School, total of 12 in secondary school. Then we have 5 kids in class 8,3 kids in class 7,3 kids in class 6, 6 kids in class 5, and 4 kids in class 4.A total of 21 kids in Ndunyu Chege primary school. 2 HAS NOT YET GONE TO SCHOOL.A total of 35 children.
Sir, this year ,we have 5 candidates who did the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E),& We have high hopes that they have done well and proceed to Secondary School. They are:
1.Intercesor Israel. 2.Hannah Njambi 3.David Njoroge, 4.Charity Wangari &,
5. Naom Wanjiku
Sir/Madam, with the aforesaid, we are requesting your Esteemed Bank to help us by supporting either with school fees or Food donations.

Sir/Madam, we will continue focused on our mission & Vision as stated below:
Sponsoring HIV/AIDS infected and affected Orphans & Vulnerable Children to attain quality education to university & to support widows and widowers living with Hiv/Aids.
Transforming HIV/AIDS infected & affected orphans, Vulnerable Children, widows and widowers to become achievers and agents of change in Society.
An educated child is an empowered child & an empowered woman is an empowered society.
Sir, once again thank you for your continued support now & in the Future.
Yours Faithfully,
Rev. John Muhika,



AMOUNT REQUIRED : Kshs 3,863,398/=


WEBSITE : P.O.BOX 3946-01002
EMAIL : Children.amcckenya2007@gmail.com
CELLPHONE : 0734-835151/0729-888388

i). Introduction to Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children’s Centre-KENYA- Page 1
ii). Background – Page 2.

iii). AMCC-K Project Justification – Page 2

iv). Main Objective -Page 2.

v). What we do-Specific Objectives- Page 2

vi). Activities /Methodology – Page 3

vii). Monitoring and Evaluation- Page 3

viii). Mission Statement – Page 3.

ix). Vision Statement – Page 4.

x). Our Philosophy – Page 4.

xi). Budget Analysis – page 4-6

Xii). Monitoring and Evaluation – Page 6

Xiii). Institutional Capacity- Page-6.

xiv). Accounting Capacity- Page 6

xv). Bank Details – Page 7

Xvi). Direct Beneficiaries — Page 7.

xvii). Board of Directors- Page8

Ah-Gah-pay Mercy Children’s Centre Kenya has been working and operating under the auspicious of Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children C.B.O. a non-profit making at Gitukuya Village of Ndunyu Chege Sub-location, in , Ndunyu Chege Location, Kigoro Division of Gatanga District in Murang’a County, of Kenya. registered as a C.B.O . by the Ministry of Gender, Sports, Culture and Social Services Reg.No.DSS/TKA/CBO/07/057 It is a project initiated in 7.2.2007 due to the hard stricken socio-economic status of the community as a result of HIV/AIDS pandemic, gridding poverty, illiterate and unemployment
HIV/AIDS is a deadly pandemic occurring in every District in Kenya. It is responsible for the death of 1.5 million Kenyans since 1980’s. These deaths have left behind more than three million orphans. About 1,000 Kenyans die daily from AIDS. There is still no straight cure for AIDS; estimates suggest that over 3 million out of 30 million are infected.
Due to poverty and unemployment, the responsibility of providing to the sibling has become a burden to many parents. As a result of neglect and such harsh conditions many children opt to go to the streets to beg for food to survive at very tender ages. Some children due to neglect by parents who are sometimes torn apart in broken relationships resulting from poverty and unemployment.
AH-GAH-PAY MERCY CHILDREN’S CBO ,started Ah-Gah-pay Mercy Children’s Centre Kenya which is a project geared towards providing a secure environment for the HIV/AIDS infected and affected orphans, destitute and street children, feeding, clothing, medical care, education, spiritual nourishment, love, a listening ear to their cry and a home away from home. It majors in care and support program including, classroom/Dining hall, dormitories, kitchen and an office. The Centre has survived at least from people cheating and conning since its inception but still struggles to raise children in a very difficulty financial state.
HIV/AIDS is not just a serious threat to our social-economic development; it is a real threat to our existence. It has reduced many families to a status of beggars in Ndunyu Chege Location and the entire Gatanga District whereby in Ndunyu Chege Location alone we have about 300 Orphans and many more destitute and vulnerable children. There is no family in Ndunyu Chege Location and the entire Gatanga District which is left untouched by the sufferings caused by the HIV/AIDS which is increasing rapidly. Many children whose parents die of HIV/AIDS lack the basic necessities in life. Traditional extended family structures are overburdened, most vulnerable being the working age which die and leave their families impoverished.
Achievement of literacy is undermined due to lack of finances. Many children drop out of school to seek for food. Poverty and unemployment add salt to injury. Many families suffer and lack the basic needs and victims of the circumstances are children. It is in this state of depravity that at the Ah-Gah-pay Mercy Children’s Centre –Kenya was initiated by concerned members of the community in cooperation with Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children C.B.O. in a rural village called Gitukuya Village of Ndunyu Chege Sub-location of Gitukuya Village of Ndunyu Chege Location of Gatanga division, Gatanga District of Murang’a County to give hope to these innocent children.
The Centre has migrated from one premise to another due to lack of finances to pay rent. The needs have been so much but the team behind it has never given up. Several donors have come up and made up promises which they fulfilled through their acquaintances/middlemen but the finances have ended in the hands of dishonest/unmerciful men who took advantage of introducing them to the Centre. As a result the situation has remained pathetic.

• Orphans & At-risk Children have a right to shelter, food, clothing, medical care, education and other basic needs.
• Orphans & At-risk Children are the future generation of which a big percentage is now orphaned, destitute, vulnerable and at risk because their needs are deprived.
• The higher level of girls’ education the longer they postpone marriage, child bearing and are more likely to safe guard their health.
• Provision of education has a direct and positive impact on maternal and child health survival.
• Universal education not only give children an opportunity for better life but also help reduce community’s rate of infection and death from avoidable health hazards like AIDS.
• Spiritual, social and emotional guidance help bring up more sober and responsible persons in the society hence reducing the breeding of dangerous rebels who will endanger the peace and development of the community.
To promote education, health and quality life for the orphaned, vulnerable and the destitute children while endeavoring to develop the whole person for positive contribution to the society.
What we do.
• Providing Food, Health care, Accommodation, Education & basic rights to HIV/AIDS infected and affected Orphans & Vulnerable children.
• Empowering HIV/AIDS infected and affected orphans and at risk children by sponsoring them acquire quality education through University/Vocational levels.
• Transforming the HIV/AIDS affected and infected orphans, at-risk children & widows to become achievers tomorrow’s leaders, pillars of the Nations and Agents of Change in the society.
• Helping the HIV/AIDS Orphans both infected and affected and at-risk children to identify, develop their talents and utilize them fruitfully to earn a living.
• Create employment for young professionals in teaching and other relevant fields involved in the day-to-day running of the institution as a means of eradicating poverty.
• Creating HIV/Aids awareness through, poems, songs and dramas
• Provide home care support for children living with HIV/Aids
• Providing micro-finance services to widows & widowers living with HIV/Aids to start small income generating businesses for self sustenance,
• Advisory, Counseling and referral services
• Provide Social, pastoral / spiritual counseling and guidance.
• Buy 7 Acres of Land and build our own school and Home,
• Monitor the implementation of the project activities
• Formal education through provision of school fees and conducive learning environments.
• Development of skills and talents through vocational training program
• Counseling to combat discrimination and social stigma
• Provision for security and accommodation for the homeless and orphans
• Provision of primary health care services, food, clothes and spiritual / pastoral nourishment,
• Pay school fees for 17 Students in Secondary Schools,
• Deliver Social-economic benefits to the local Communities.
Project monitoring will be done from day to day to ensure that the projects objectives are in place.
This will be achieved through;
• Centre visits
• Centre reports
• School enrollment, both Primary & Secondary
• School reports
• Physical and emotional changes
• Visit to the widows’ homes
Evaluation will be done termly to determine project progress and the report made to donors.
Sponsoring HIV/AIDS infected and affected Orphans & Vulnerable Children attain quality education to university/Vocational Levels & support widows living with HIV/AIDS.

Transforming HIV/AIDS infected & affected orphans, Vulnerable Children,& widows to become achievers and agents of change in Society.
An educated Child is an empowered child & an empowered widow is an empowered society.
The price is in Kshs. as at November 2011.

ITEMS COST Per Month Cost per year
1. 195kgs Maize (corns) kshs. 11,005/= Kshs.132,060
2. 5kgs Onions kshs. 400/= Kshs. 4,800/=
3. . 100kgs wheat flour
Kshs. 86,400/=

4. 3. 120kgs Rice
Kshs. 189,000/=

5 1 sack charcoal

kshs. 1,000/=


6 . 7 sweeping blooms kshs.140/= Kshs.1,689/=
7. 7. Carrots and Tomatoes kshs.1,050/=


Sorghum and millet



9. 70kgs Green grams kshs.6,490/= Kshs. 77,880/=

10. 5 Buckets Irish
kshs.2,350/= Kshs.28,200/=
11 . 240 eggs (8 trays) Kshs.2,240/= kshs.26,880/=
Tea leaves

kshs. 2,000/= kshs.150/=
Kshs. 1800/=

15 kgs sugar

Kshs. 36,000/=
15. 40 litres milk

Kshs. 14,400/=
16. 10 litres kerosene kshs.1,000/= Kshs. 12,000/=
17. Kales

18. 170kgs meat 40kgs meat kshs.12000/=
19. 100 pcs loaves of bread
20. 18 kgs gas kshs.5400/=

21. 180kgs Beans Ksh15,000/= 180,000/=
22. Fire wood Kshs.5,000/= kshs.60,000/=
23. Water bills Kshs.5,000/= kshs 60,000/=
N:B Sub-Total for accommodation: Sub-Total for accommodation:kshs.116,765/= kshs.1,401,180/=
Education Program Annually Annually
1. Secondary School Fees for 17 Students in both regular day &Boarding School. All costs are included. Year 2012 Kshs.533,000
Total Kshs.533,000
Entertainment &Sports Price Annually
1. Foot ball, hand ball, nets, Kshs.6,000/= Kshs.6,000/= Per year
2. DVD Player Kshs.5,000/= Kshs.5,000/=
3. 1 Computer Kshs.40,000/= Kshs.40,000/=
4. 20’’ Colored Television Kshs. 35,000/= Kshs. 35,000/=
Total Kshs.86,000/= Kshs.86,000/=
Staff Management Per month Annually
1. Ceo Kshs.25,000/= Per Month Kshs 300,000/= Per year
2. 1 Teacher Kshs.15,000/= Per Month Kshs 180,000/= Per year
3. 1 Accountant Kshs.15,000/= Per Month Kshs 180,000/= Per year
4. 1 Matron Kshs.15,000/= Per Month Kshs 180,000/= Per year
5. 1 Communications Officer Kshs.15,000/= Per Month Kshs 180,000/= Per year
6. 2.Cooks Kshs.16,000/= Per Month Kshs 192,000/= Per year
7. 1.Night Guard Kshs.8,000/= Per Month Kshs 96,000/= Per year
Sub-Total Kshs1,308,000/= Per year
Seminars, Advocacy &
On HIV/Aids Kshs.12,500 Per Month Kshs.150,000/= Per year
Office Administration Kshs.10,000 per Month Kshs.120,000/= Per year
Total – Kshs.3,512,180/=
Plus 10% Contingencies Kshs. 351,218/=
Grand-Total For all Kshs3,863,398/=

The CBO is managed by an Executive Committee composed of a Chairperson, a Secretary, Treasurer and two Committee Members. The CBO operation lies on the Strength of it’s 20 very active members. We also Partner with Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd, different Government Ministries, the Provincial Administration, County Council of Thika and other organizations to actualize our Vision. The Executive carries out crucial implementation of the CBO’s Objectives. The members are bound by a constitution which all members adhere to. The members of the Executive Committee is very Qualified professionally in many disciplines thus providing various skills in various ways in conjunction with different Government Ministries and departments.
Our accounts are prepared by the CBO’s treasurer and approved by the executive committee .However, the final Mandate of approval lies with the CBO Members who must, in a general meeting, adopt both the accounts and the budget before any other financial transaction takes place. The CBO’s Financial Statements and Audit Reports are prepared by independent eternal Auditors.
The CBO has a Bank Account with Equity Bank . The account Name is : Ah-Gah-Pay Mercy Children’s CBO. The account Number is 0340194970790

1. Mercy Wambui Irungu – Class 4
2. Apostle Praise K. – – Class 4
3. Cyrus Kinyanjui Mercy- Class 4 –
4. Brian Irungu Wambui- -Class 4 –
5. Eutychus Nyoike Wambui –Class 5
6. Alex Njenga Njeri -Class 5
7. Lucy Muthoni Macharia – Class 5
8. Simon Wanjohi Teresia – Class 5
9. Keneth Muigai Wanjiku – Class 5
10. Peter Njoroge Mwangi — Class 5
11. Gracious Peace K. – Class 6
12. Virginia Wangui Mwaura – Class 6
13. Manasses Warui Wanjiku – Class 6
14. John Njorege Wanjiku – Class 6
15. Jackline Wambui Njoki – Class 7
16. Caroline Waithira W. – Class 7
17. Joseph Kamiri Wanjiru – Class 7
18. Intercessor Israel K. – Class 8
19. Naom Wanjiku Kamau – Class 8
20. David Njoroge Irungu – Class 8
21. Charity Wangari Mungai- Class 8
22. Anne Njambi Macharia- Class 8
23. Serah Njoki Wanjiku – Form 2
24. Evangelist Ah-Gah-Pay – Form 2
25. Anne Wanjeri Kuria – Form 2
26. Naom Wanjiru Wanjiku – Form 2
27. Agnes Njoki Wanjiru – Form 3
28. Maureen Njeri Wamukore – Form 3
29. Tabitha Wanbui Karungii – Form 3
30. Victoria Wambui Mucheru- Form 3
31. Denis Mwangi Njoki – Form 3
32. Simon Irungu Waithira- Form 3
33. Faith Wangari Kimani – Form 3
34. Joseph Ndung’u Ruigu – Form 3
35. Benson Muchoki Wanjiru Nursary
36. Wanjiku Wanjiru Baby

Board of Directors,
1.Mr. John M. Mututho –Patron,
2.Rev. John K. Muhika-Chairman,
3.Mrs. Rachael N. Mutuangu-Vice Chairman,
4. Miss Nancy W.Nyondu-Secretary,
5. Mr. Paul M.Ndung’u- Assis. Secretary,
6. Mr. Esbon M. Mbugua-Treasurer,
7. Mr. Daniel K. Kimani –Member,
8. Mrs. Magaret Wambui-Member,
9. Mr.Samson M. Kamiru-Member.
Thanks all of you for your support now and in the future.
God bless you.
Posted by: Ruth ,
Communications officer.