Here you can see the Northern boarder. The dead brush signifies the boarder and you can see right next door there is some type of crop, which means the land can produce!
Bogwa, not to be mistaken with John’s brother, is this man’s name. He went to highschool with John and he’s the one that helped us to find the land. In this picture, he and John are bending down to show us the tap water line accross the road. This could be used for drinking, cooking, bathing and washing clothes for the children.
Bogwa’s home and shamba (small farm) are across the road from the plot of land. His shamba produces maize, peas, sorghum, pumpkins, soy beans, green beans, cucumbers and zuchini. With this kind of produce, AMCC would be able to use the land as an income generating project to save money to build the school.
The location is very dry. BUT, the crops could be irrigated with pipes burried about a foot under ground just like our friend Bogwa is doing.
The water to irrigate would come from this HUGE river, HALF A MILE AWAY! Bogwa said that the river has never gone dry, even through Kenya’s worst years of drought.
This picture is hard to make out but it’s a very important piece of the story! What we’re looking at here are the beginnings of an electrical power plant! When it’s finished, it will give power to the three nearby schools, to the new hotel that is going up a few miles away, and to surrounding residents. This means that the cost of land in this area is about to go WAY up!
Oh yeah! The cost! So on average, good land in Kenya is going for about $5,000 per acre. But this land is on sale for $1,650 per acre. The only problem is that it’s all or nothin. All 7 acres or none. We’ve been keeping our eye out for land for a while, and this is by far the best deal.
Reasons Why: It’s less than half the price of most land in Kenya. It can produce various kinds of crops. It will have plenty of water and electricity for AMCC when they build a school. Even if AMCC doesn’t use it, (and I believe they will) the resale value will be well over 2 times what they payed for it.
Having said all that, we’re praying that AMCC would be able to acquire this land. Please join us!
Remember Bogwa? We went to visit his mom and she told John that Bogwa wasn’t saved. Bogwa was standing there in front of us so it was kind of awkward. Anyway, Bogwa invited us into his house and his wife gave us chai and chapati (tortillas). Both John and I got to share the gospel with Bogwa and his family. I told him that there would be many people from my country praying for him. So please pray that Bogwa comes to know Jesus! After all, the Lord could have sent Maggs and I to Kenya first for salvation to come to this man and his family and then for AMCC.
And this… is Mercy.